Friday, July 18, 2008

Chasing Rainbows!

I have heard many people say that they chased their rainbow and found their pot of gold. Sometimes I have found my pot of gold and at other times and have just found a "pot" when I got to the end of the rainbow.
I am almost convinced that chasing a rainbow or chasing a dream is an ok thing to do! Many times (maybe most times) the rainbow is not really about what you find at the end of it as much as it is about the journey that you are on while you chase. Life is about the journey. A friend of mine told me recently not to let the fears of the unknown keep you from chasing the dream, the rainbow. If at the end all you find is a port-a-john it is ok because you have followed your heart, chased your dream or chased your rainbow.
Look at Moses' life. He chased the rainbow of a land that flows with milk and honey! At the end of his life he did not get to experience the milk and honey(pot of gold) but he was able to look back at his journey. Does this make him failure? I think not... Let dig into his story!
Looking back he (Moses) saw a pillar of fire by night and could remember a cloud by day! He could tell the story of the Red Sea opening and the dry land under his feet. He could share how God provided manna, quail and other food on the journey. He could shout about how water flowed from a rock not once but TWICE in his journey. He could tell his story about seeing God on Mount Sinai! His journey brought him to a place where he not only seen God through the cleft of the rock but watched God carve into tablets His commandments! The shoes that did not wear out, the clothes that did not become thread bare, the battles won while his hands were raised, the tabernacle that was built, the ark of the covenant that was dedicated, the presence of God that was so real and all of this was on his journey. This was not at the end of the rainbow...It was during the journey toward the end!
Encourage yourself not to get caught up with the end of the rainbow but enjoy the journey for all it is! You never know where your dream is going to take you so just follow your rainbow! If you find a port-a-john at the end of it then thank God for a place to get rid of the junk (waste) that you have picked on the journey! :) There is always a pot at the end of a rainbow we just do not know which one! Be thankful for them both!


candacestone said...


you can have him if you want LOL hehehehehehe i guess that is okay? HEHEHE

Anonymous said...

good blog buddy, i heard something about you the other day and am wondering if it is true? you going to the assembly? let me know or call me 505-2489

Amy Elizabeth Robinson said...

Where oh where is blogging Scottie?