Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Dirty Hands!

"He's still working on me. To make me what I ought to be. It took him just a week to make the moon and the stars; the sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars. How loving and patient He must be...He's still working on me."

The words of this song still ring in my ears! A song that I learned in Children's Church years ago still hold true. I recently attended the Eastern Campmeeting for the Church of God in SC and The Perry's www.perrysministries.com/2007A/about.html were singing! They sang a song titled "The Potter Knows the Clay" which grabbed my heart strings. I was reminded that "He is the Potter and I am the Clay." While they sang they showed a video. In that video there was a picture of a potter's hands working on clay. In that picture I noticed that His/her hands were very dirty. I have been thinking/chewing on this for a while and I am thankful that His hands are still getting dirty not just in my life but for all of humanity.

I remember from scripture that a crowd was ready to stone a lady who was caught in the act of adultery when Jesus showed up and wrote something in the dirt (His hands got dirty), I am reminded that at the healing of a blind man, Christ spits in the dirt makes a clay and wipes it in the blind man's eyes (His hands got dirty), Jeremiah reminds us that the potter "crushes" the clay at times to start over (His hands get dirty). I could go on and on but I think you get the point. This past Sunday two people came down to the altar and gave their hearts to Christ. The young couple wept and I know that His hands were dirty as He crushed the clay! In my own life the potter still has me spinning me on the wheel and is working on me. The past few months of my life have been difficult (spiritually, emotionally, and mentally). Yet I am convinced that it is just the potter making me, crushing me, and starting over in me that I might be used for His glory. I am open to whatever the potter wants to make out of me as long as He gets the glory. I am seeing some victorious days now and I am thankful that the Potter knows the Clay!

Praise the Lord that His hands still get dirty for humanity and that He is still working on me!!!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Beautiful message, Scott. We are so proud of you and what God continues to do in your life. And, just a side note: If Jesus tarries His coming, our precious Heavenly Father, the master potter, will still be working on you long after your 30's. He loves us so much, that He keeps working on us to make us what He wants us to be. We love you, man. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and give all your family our love.