Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year ~~

For me 2008 was a rough year. One of the hardest I have had in my 30 years of living. Lots of personal situations that I had to work through came my way. During 2008 I had several decisions that were tough. One imparticular, that was one of the hardest of my life, has caused me to sit down and look at the paths that I have traveled and the one that I am on now, through a different lens. However, I do believe in my heart that I made the right decision yet I am to see the fruit of it.

This has been one of the "driest" seasons I have had to endure. Not only because of the drought that has crippled SC but b/c of the droughts I have faced personally. Yet through it all I have felt God's presence and know that rain is on its way. I heard Tim Hill sing a song once and the words have been in my spirit since. This song got me through October, November and December. The words go like this,

"The seed you planted deep has yet to grow. You've wondered when you'll reap the things you sow. How long has it been since rain last touched your ground? You've searched the skies, but then the rain just can't be found.

(chorus) But it will rain again. The fruit will fill the vine. The stalk will bend with wheat. The grapes burst forth with wine. So go into your field, your work is not in vain God promised harvest and I know it will rain.

So lift your head today and see the task. This rain will come your way if you will ask. Go build your barns, my friend prepare to store the grain. The clouds are coming in and I know it will rain."

Christ said, "In this world you will have tribulations; but be of good cheer, for I have overcome this world!"

I have said all of these things to say this. Let 2008 go! Focus on 2009 b/c...It will rain again! Christ in you, the Hope of glory has overcome!!!


Anonymous said...

Scottie -

God sees us all through the dry times. I feel like I am dying of thirst sometimes, but I continue to make it! Praying for you and you pray for me. Love you pal!

Jenn said...

S, I'm not sure if you remember me, but I do read your blog! As crazy as this sounds... I'm thankful for the dry times, because I see where I got off track and God was pushing me back on.

Prayers and Blessings for you and your this new Year!